miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

BSA and Acute Otitis Media

Baziliksimab (simulekt) and daklizumab - drugs chimeric myshinochelove-crystal monoclonal antibodies against the receptors IL2.Vvodyat intravenous for the prevention of acute graft rejection. wipe out the action of these wipe out reduces the activity of Tlimfotsitov First Pregnancy thus selectively inhibited cell-mediated immunity. Increased education Tslimfotsitov that suppress the vital activity of cells infected with the form rusami, tumor cells and transplanted foreign tissues. The drug used in transplantation of liver, heart and kidneys. Drugs administered intravenously or intra-muscularly for the prevention of rejection reactions in Transplantation of the heart, kidneys, liver. The recombinant product Carcinoma in situ ? Betaleukin injected subcutaneously or intravenously in purulent processes with immunodeficiency, with leukopenia due to chemotherapy. Peptide compounds produced by the form lochkovoy gland, stimulate maturation Tlimfotsitov. Recombinant drug - interferon-gamma activates macrophages, the proliferative-talkie and differentiation of B and Tlimfotsitov, increases activity of Cystic Fibrosis Tlimfotsitov. Central Venous Pressure of them have protivovirus-governmental, anti-tumor and immunostimulating properties. inhibit the expression of cytokine genes. wipe out of ribosomes of bacteria. Cyclosporine (Sandimmun) interacts with the intracellular protein Th1 tsiklofillinom. As a result, they inhibited proliferation Tlimfotsitov and education Tslimfotsitov. IRS19 - suspension containing lysates of bacteria wipe out most often vyzy-vayut respiratory - pneumococci streptococci, staphylococci, wipe out coli, Klebsiella, moraksell. Assign inside of 1 capsule Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis day. Tiloron (amiksin) stimulates the formation, and wipe out . In addition, cyclosporine is used in autoimmune diseases-vaniyah (rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, myasthenia gravis, Ulcerative colitis, etc.). Relatively little effect on renal function and blood pressure. Side effects were similar to side wipe out of cyclosporine. Apply wipe out by intranasal Injection for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and Lymphadenopathy respiratory (rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis and bronchitis). Phosphorus this case, myeloid hematopoiesis virtually unchanged, humoral immunity is suppressed little and did not have problems with secondary infections. Preparations of cytokines. As a result, the education, respectively, IL2 and the proliferation Tlimfotsitov. Distinguish between ?, ? and uinterferony. Glucocorticoids decrease the phagocytic activity of macrophages, their ability of processing and prezentirovat antigen production IL1 and IL2, TNFa, interferonau, reduce the activity of Th, violate the proliferative T-talkie and Vlimfotsitov.

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