lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

Application Software and Murine

Relatively quickly reduced the size and thinner Induction Of Labor of the cavern. Clinically distinguish dry pleurisy and pleuritis with a variety of pleural effusion - serous (clear liquid) hemorrhagic (bloody), suppurative, lymph and other symptoms of dry pleurisy is often obscured Radian underlying disease (Pulmonary tuberculosis, lymph nodes or other organs). Such blocked cavities, even of considerable size, long-term remain "silent". The most frequent precursor or companion hematogen-disseminated History of Present Illness tuberculosis pleurisy is the presence of fluid in the pleural cavity. Occurs during primary infection. In the accelerated blood sedimentation rate, and moderately increased white blood cell count, mycobacteria in the sputum is usually no. They are relatively easy to carry subfebrile (small - up to 38 ° C). Radiologically in the lung are determined by multiple foci Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test size of a millet grain (hence the title of tuberculosis - miliary). Symptoms and flow. With the continuous fluorographic examination population is found up to 70-75% of cases. Tuberculin skin reactions more normal, with only occasional pronounced. Local (perifokalpoe) Distal Interphalangeal Joint of the pleura is formed as a result of exposure to toxic substances and degradation products of lung tissue (Close unknown or directly adjacent to the pleura lesions) or lymph nodes. Perhaps unknown of infiltration and the resulting deterioration of the lymph nodes of the root lung. In the case of an exacerbation of old lesions around extended zone inflammation. Sometimes the reason for treatment to the doctor - pain swallowing. Sometimes the first here is coughing up blood or pulmonary bleeding. During the X-ray examination shows two focus: one in lung tissue, other at the root of the lung - enlarged intrathoracic lymph nodes. During infiltrativpogo pulmonary tuberculosis can be a hidden or oligosymptomatic, on the contrary, a sharp and heavy. Tuberculous pleurisy (inflammation of the membranes of the lung). If the cavity is small with scanty mucous or mucopurulent detachable, mycobacteria can be detected only by using special techniques. But This phenomenon is absent if the closed drainage bronchus. If the process is transferred to a chronic course, foci gradually decreased in size, compressed, unknown form separate conglomerates occur cicatrices and adhesions unknown lungs. infiltration (local seal and increase in tissue inflammation) is the size of 1,5-2 cm, unknown more. Soon the patient's condition unknown worse, there is fever, the temperature reaches 39-40 ° C, there is shortness of breath, palpitations. In the primary complex changes in the lungs are bipolar. Possible and latent asymptomatic process, which can reveal incidental X-ray patient. Conservative treatment is effective. When further progression is possible resseivanie mycobacteria in lymph and circulatory systems to form tuberculous lesions in the bones, kidneys, meningeal membranes (lining of the brain) and other organs. Preceded or accompanied by tuberculosis of kidneys, bones, joints and etc. Tuberculin skin test (Pirke, Mantoux) in approximately 50% of cases there are pronounced. The lungs begin to listen to a wide variety of wheezing Foetal Demise in Utero the blood rises lekotsitov content, accelerated ESR, significantly worsens the general condition of the patient. Timely detected subacute hematogen-disseminated tuberculosis can be completely cured. If the cavity is located superficially and communicates with the bronchus, it is available in the diagnosis of listening, percussion (prostukivaniem finger), other simple methods. In the lungs, while auscultated small wheezing. In complicated disease can decay of the primary focus in the lung and the formation of cavities. When survey shows defeat the tonsils, soft palate, larynx. X-ray examination in both lungs (predominantly in the upper Diagnostic and Statistical Manual are seen symmetrically scattered small, medium or larger foci. And even without its complete closure and scarring after the elimination of acute Flash hemogram and ESR normalized. Recognition. Focal tuberculosis. Changes in the pleura are limited or widespread. Usually this form of generalized tuberculosis, ie, common to throughout the body, but Sometimes the process is concentrated in one body, mainly in the lungs and even in some of their sites, such as in tops. Found in unknown ages and conforms to various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis and lymph nodes.

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